Monday, March 27, 2006

Readers' Requests

I'd call it the Mailbag, but some of it's not mail, and that'd sound like I was copying Drew.

I think you should write something about Euthanasia, like whether a terminally ill patient's family has the right to decide if they can die on their own terms. -Mai

Well Mai, this subject is at the center of attention quite a bit: last year with Terri Schiavo, and a couple months ago a supreme court ruling upheld Oregon's assisted suicide laws. After a little research, I found that euthanasia and assisted suicide aren't the same thing (although closely related). Euthanasia is when somebody else kills the person who wants to die (through lethal injection or some other painless way). Assisted suicide is when somebody else gives the person who wants to die the means to (a doctor hooking a patient up to an IV, and the patient pushes a button that delivers a lethal dose). For the purposes of this discussion, these differences don't matter.

Usually I don't like killing. But when you could maybe live for a couple more painful months, who really wants to spend their last days laying in a hospital with tubes coming out of every opening in their body, doped up so that they just lay in a constant stupor? Or in the case of Terri Schiavo, we had a person who was a vegetable. Her brain was gone, and she wasn't going to come back at all. So, her husband had the decency to let her die, like I think she was intended to in the first place. Recently conservatives tried to have these privileges taken away from the people of Oregon because they don't like the fact that people can choose when they want to live or die (the Supreme Court upheld Oregon's laws). In fact, the name usually given to this issue is the "Right to Die". It's the same way with abortion, but I won't go into that now.

I think you should write something about outsourcing. -T.J.

What can I say about outsourcing? It's the practice of companies firing their American employees and having those employees replaced with people from another country like India. Why? Because it costs less. Textile jobs and the other less skilled jobs have been outsourced to places like Thailand, China, Mexico (you name a place with loose labor laws and it's got sweatshops spitting out clothing for American consumers) for a long time. More recently, computer and engineering related jobs have been going to India. Often, the Indian worker has an American or other western education, but they'll take lower pay. Is this right? Depends, are you a C.E.O. (isn't it funny that theirs are the only jobs safe from outsourcing?), or are you a member of the other 99.9 % of America? I myself think that when we stop making anything for ourselves, we'll be at the mercy of the rest of the world. Since I don't like outsourcing, I think that major corporations should be better regulated by the federal government. Nothing extreme, just that the government do something about the extremely rich C.E.O. types screwing over their American and foreign workers so that they can be even richer. Kind of level the playing field, just a little.

What do you think about the sectarian violence in Iraq right now? -Anonymous

One of the main reasons Iraq is a bad place to be for anybody right now is that Iraqis don't see themselves as Iraqis. They see Shias, Sunnis, and Kurds. Even that wouldn't be so bad if they had any religious tolerance. It would be like me (a Methodist) hating Catholics just because they don't believe exactly what I do, so I'd form a militia with my other Methodist holy warriors and march across town to clean out some Catholics, but on the way, a group of armed Lutherans sees my group and shoots an RPG at us, starting a battle that soon attracts the Catholics. After the fight is broken up by the police, 30 people are dead. And then we blame the police for not keeping us safe. Part of it is the police's (who symbolize the American presence in Iraq) fault, lack of planning for the postwar, not anticipating the violent streak of the minority Sunnis, etc. But, get real, who picked up their gun and marched across town to kill somebody who's only crime is saying evening prayers at 6:30 instead of 7 (I don't really know what the different beliefs of the different sects are)?

We can't really leave Iraq until Iraqis keep religion out of government, and are able to respect each others' ideas as different, but not wrong.


Anonymous said...

Where's my request? if i had one... if not, although i really think i did, do one about the controversy of SUV's, that should turn out to be good... and compare them to the new Honda Insights... my dream car.... 60mpg, which roughly translates to maybe 40... which is still way better than some other cars... and i think that the government should have no say in when people want to kill themselves, whether they're old and in pain, and a doctor assists them, or abortion.

The choice to die is a personal one, and quite personally if i was in pain, and had only months to live, hell i would want some lethal dose of something.

As for abortion, if a woman doesn't want to have a child, sure she should've practiced safer sex in the first place, especially if she didn't wat it, but still if a woman doesn't want it, she should have the right to an abortion.

Another request... Gay marriage, should the government even be involved, i know that there are tax benefits for couples and all... but still... if the government chooses to say that marriage is between a man and a woman, isn't that a little religious? going off of the bible, exactly what the founding fathers didn't want? ok... i think i'm done rambling, school is going to start...

Anonymous said...

you have some points there Dan

Anonymous said...

GAy marriage and you wonder why people hate us...............

Anonymous said...

I also do strongly agree on the euthanasia section. People should have the decision to end their lives (Hey, would that be under the 1st amendment- freedom to choose? I don't think so but just asking because it sort of contradicts each other).
If I were in a state of which I knew I would die soon anyways, I would choose not to rely on life support and just... I would rather sucumb my life to Hades then suffer a life not worth living.


By the way, Good Luck on your mythology test, Jamster and thank you jamster's cousin...

Anonymous said...

here is something i actually know about...there is nothing wrong with gay marriage. gay people are going to exist whether we like it or not so just make it easy on yourself and accept it. it's not like gay people choose to be gay, it's just kind of hormonal really... and, for the people that have a problem with gay people, just think of it this're not the one that is attracted to a person of the same sex, so it's none of your business what those people do in their free time, as a matter of fact its not even your business what straight couples do in their free time so i just have one thing to say to people who are so against gay marriages....Don't worry about's not your thing to worry about

Anonymous said...

GAYs Suck
They need 2 be hung off of Brokeback Mountain

Anonymous said...

"...if a woman doesn't want it, she should have the right to an abortion. "

I was watching CNN a week or so ago and there was a debate about whether a man, if we give women right to abortions, have the right to decide whether the child lives or dies. Both parents have equal rights in the childs life, so it could be a valid point. I just don't get why the woman gets the final choice. If she decides to have the baby, and the man doesn't want it, the man will have to pay child support. If she doesn't want it, and the man does, the baby's dead. We need to fight for the man's right to decide. Parents are equal.

Anonymous said...

Alle Demokraten hmmm

Anonymous said...

"Brokeback Mountain 2: Two Men and a Horse".

Hollywood needs to outrage W even more.

Anonymous said...

that little war story was cool...
oh well my comment is this-

gays can do whatever they want as long as they dont get reconstructive surgery and a sex change

If u r a braindead veggie, why go on living if theres no chance of coming back out of your broccoli suit

Anonymous said...

oh and if indians are taking your job move to india.

Kevin P.

Anonymous said...

Kevin P.

Even if they get reconsructive surgery, It doesnt work. Thats like trying to stick a large whale up a little fish's ass. Or a better example ive heard is...
Two spoons don't go together.
But a spoon and a fork work, because you can stick the spoon in the fork's points.

Another thing Ive heard is that mexicans will do anything for money, most likely same with indians. WHo would you hire: the indian for $5 an hour or the greedy american for $15 an hour.

I like the brainheaded vegie thing though.

Anonymous said...

GAYS ARE BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Anonymous said...

i feel honored mr onion

mr onion...?

ps. still keeping it kleen dan!