Thursday, March 30, 2006

Obstacles to a Safer World

The obstacles I speak of are Russia and China. I'm not big fans of either of these countries because of their record on human rights (in Russia's case, this mostly includes elections). One of them (China) seems to be slowly improving on that, but Russia (or at least its president Vladimir Putin) is slipping back down the slope. But what's got me really frustrated now is the statement approved by the UN security council today that has been weakened by these countries' petty rivalry with the U.S.

What should've been a warning to Iran that the world was done with their games turned into a half-hearted "you've got 30 days to stop this, or, or, ... or else." What do the Chinese and Russians have to say about their willingness to allow a regime of crazy, despotic, religious nuts to have nukes? They want the International Atomic Energy Agency to handle it. You'd have to be stupid to think the IAEA can handle this case. They have been trying for years to stop Iran, but they can't, so they referred the issue to the U.N. Security Council. We all know that at least Russia sees this, because it takes a brain to snatch power like Putin's done, so he must have another reason, probably the same with China. What's the real reason then? I think they just want to hinder whatever the U.S. tries to do. I can only wonder how much selfishness it takes to allow the spread of nuclear weapons in one of the most unstable regions of the world.

If I had any voice in the matter (if any Russian readers could please convey my message to your quasi-elected lawmakers, I'd be grateful), I'd tell Russia and China that there's plenty of room for them in the powerful, good-guys' circle. They needn't create a dark-side from the ashes of the communist powers just because they're nervous about the western countries being stronger than them. If Vladimir Putin would stop rigging his elections, and if China would hold any elections, those are major steps in the right direction. I'm sure the U.S. and Europe would be happy to allow two more into the democratized part of the global community. As it is, they seem to be entertaining delusions great power.

Add this on top of reports earlier this week that Russia handed intelligence to Saddam right before we invaded, and you start to see a pattern. I think my (republican) friend Alex B. Says it best: "The Cold War's over." The losing side would be doing itself a favor if it acted accordingly. Putting aside rivalries to cooperate in the face of a real problem would be a great start.


Anonymous said...

Russia apparently doesn't know the Cold war is over... and that we won. It has come my attention that Russian had sources in our, the US government, and passed on our battle plans to Saddam in the first days of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The scoundrels wanted to preserve economical relations with Saddam's Iraq. In the end the Russian info giving helped us because one of our tricks tricked the Russians too. They told Saddam that the main attack on Baghdad would not begin until the Army's 4th Infantry Division arrived but the invasion came well before that.

Russia needs to get its priorities straight feeding info to Iraq and helping to enrich Iran's uranium still helping to try to get Iran nukes. Nothing but trouble I say but it still needs time to develop. Possible target for a war down the road? Not soon but down the way? It's a possibility.

Anonymous said...

You can use it. The home site is dead

Anonymous said...

If the we or europe dosn't get Iran I bet Isreal will knock it off the map.........

Anonymous said...

THis is too deep or little old me to understand...

Kevin P.