Residents of the Gaza Strip have had quite the week, if half of the news reports are to be believed (which they are). Two excerpts that I remember from yesterday and today's evening news from reporters in Gaza:
"You can see the F-16's flying very low, and the sonic booms are deafening. The Israelis say that they're going to cover the whole strip with sonic booms through the night until they get their soldier back,"
"The Apache helicopters just left, and I'm going to ask my camera man to pan over to the PLO's interior ministry building, and you can see the smoke coming off of it."
Of course, the Israelis have also destroyed Gaza's only power plant, leaving 75% of the strip without power (the quickest it can be rebuilt is one year), blown up the bridges that connect the north to the south, and flown fighters over the Syrian president's house. This is just in the last few days.
In my opinion, the Palestinians should've quit antagonizing Israel last year after the Gaza pullout, when they were ahead. Now, Israel's just going to come back, and they won't leave this time. You just don't mess with Jews. Back in the late 40's, with no military help from any other nations (and little diplomatic help), the Jewish settlers of Palestine formed their own militia and fought off the invading armies of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and the Arabs of Palestine, earning themselves the country of Israel. Now, the U.S. has given the Jews one of the best militaries in the world, and they like to use it.
You might've noticed that I have very little sympathy for the people of Palestine. I'm sorry that they're kept awake all night, have no electricity, and find themselves staring down the barrel of Israeli artillery wherever they look, but I'm also sorry that they're too stubborn to cooperate with someone who doesn't worship Allah, and that they elect terrorists to lead them towards a solution (I'm not a hypocrite here because I didn't vote for W). What can they really expect if they're going to take jabs at Israel whenever they can? I'm surprised the people of Gaza had this much time without a real visit from the Jewish military. Usually, the two sides can't go 2 weeks without renewing the fighting.
Unless Palestinians seriously change their attitude towards Israel (never going to happen), they're going to be seeing a lot more Israeli guns pointed at them, I think. Of course, this is a situation that just keeps making itself worse: Palestinians hate Israel, so Israel bombs them, so Palestinians hate Israel...Jews have been kicked around since time immemorial, and they're still here, Arabs would do well to consider this before they pick a fight that will end in their extinction. For some reason, though, death doesn't mean as much to Muslims in that area of the world, what with insurgents in Iraq and these suicidal Palestinians.
Supposedly, Egypt has moderated a deal with Hamas to give the kidnapped soldier (the reason this all started), but Israel says they haven't heard about any deal. I think that's a lie, and they just want to have a little more fun. I say go ahead, so far nobody's died, and every Hamas member in Gaza and the West Bank is either hiding or in jail already. Nothing but good so far has come of this.